这里拥有凉爽的气候,白天气温没有克莱尔谷(Clare Valley)高,其中的主要原因是受到来自历山大湖(Lake Alexandrina)当地称为“Lake Doctor”大风的吹拂,能有效地调节了葡萄园夏季炎热的气温,还能阻止葡萄园遭到害虫及霜冻的破坏园区内种植有赤霞珠(Cabernet Sauvignon)、西拉(Shiraz)、灰皮诺(Pinot Gris)和多姿桃(Dolcetto)等。
The temperature in daytime is not higher than that of Clare Valley. The main reason is that it can effectively regulate the hot temperature of vineyard in summer due to the strong wind from Lake Alexandrina, which is called "Lake doctor", The vineyards can also be prevented from being damaged by pests and frost. Cabernet Sauvignon, Shiraz, Pinot Gris and Dolcetto are planted in the park.
In this land, besides the grape trees, you can enjoy the beautiful Eucalyptus landscape. Many years ago, when the founders first met here, they wanted to grow the best grapes in Australia and produce a wine with Australian unique style, balance and texture.